
Mythipedia Entry – Timeline

Your Timeline is your Thread in the Great Story

Our timeline is the spine of our Story.  It is our unique thread in the tapestry of the Great Story.  It is our branch upon the World Tree of synchronicities that lay beneath the surface of the World.

As we progress along our timeline, we move through the realms of the underlands, vibrational realities which reflect the conditions of our current self, these realms have a geography of their own, and exist on the many layers of the land.

All threads of life are defined by the principles of Fate and Fortune, by the weavings of what is and what can be in the skein of stories. As we move along our thread of life, it happens within this larger tapestry, part of a larger weave of subtle threadworks beyond our gaze. Such is the pattern beneath our path, that which may only be understood once it has been lived. It is our story seen in the fullness of time, our thread seen from the altitude of experience.

The timeline is the spine of your story

and there is only just so much we can know. For this reason, Mystos, the quality of mystery, is the sister of Mythos.

As we move on our timeline, we face karmic repetition in the form of the scenes of our story.

As we move along our timeline, we travel through different realms, different points of inner and outer reality, where we experience the trials and triumphs of our heroic journey.  Our timeline has special significance in the context of the akasha, for it is the intersection of our timelines that we gain a sense of the interplay between the various stories that exist within the world and the characters which populate those stories.

The Spiral of your Story

An important thing to remember is that the timeline of our story is not linear – it is spiral, full of repeating patterns which exists as the scenes of our story.

It is along this line of time that our karmic repetitions unfold, playing out through the scenes in our story. Such are the repetitions of patterns of thoughts, beliefs, reactions and interpretations that define our current realm.

Our timeline is always happening, it is the context for our sacred path through the Mortal Condition  It is a thing which can be perceived on the many layers of the land that it moves through, each correlating to an aspect of the World Tree.

What should be remembered here is that all the layers of one’s Tree of Life are happening simultaneously, that each thing is comingled with each other, and all are essentially different levels of distillation of form into formlessness, of the material dissolving back into the immaterial over the course of it’s adventure through time and space.

Your timeline moves through the layers of the land

The thread of our path moves through many layers, through a landscape of subtle energies that lay within ourselves and in the environment which surrounds us. In the cosmology of the Mythica, this is the land beneath the land, and is always happening simultaneously with one’s experience on the surface of life. It is the underlands, the realms and realities which exist around the axis mundi, and which inform the undercarriage of our story.

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