11 months ago (edited)
2024-3-29 –
Cassandra ( @cassandra ) do a waning moon ritual, and once again I invoke the transformation of the deep-rooted patterns around the aka of vital energy in my life, moving my hips somatically as the ritual goes on. This represents part of my movement into a more “method” oriented practices to complement the excellence i’ve achieved in the “map” of the subtle world over the years.
Such feels like a sacred spiral, a return to the spellworks she and I had done together at the Academy alongside Evon and LeFaye, and which feels to be part of the Path of the Magus. As per the form, we invoked the four-within-the-five, the elements of Earth, Air, Water, Fire within the Ether of the akasha, and I held my psychic grasp in a soft-yet-firm way, focusing my attention into the intent to dissolve and resolve the karmic patterns which were repeating the actions of drained vitality in my life. To do the ritual was a good thing, and I am thankful for it, as such marks further progress on the Path of the Magus and the resolution of the patterns in my life which no longer serve.
Recently, Joshua and I had a shared divination into the form of the Mythica which inspired us deeply, speaking to the shared divinations into the form which we navigated through along our paths, and which led me to the process of reinstating my stories into the proper wordpress space.Going through the words and images, seeing the hieroglyph of my life’s work evolving into yet another form, yet another iteration of the idea that blossomed in me so many years ago and which defined my movements on the quest. There is the sense that such is the necessary invocation, the casting and recasting of the karmic foundations of the Mythica which first myself and then Joshua are anchoring into the firmament of the Creation and which provides the foundation for other Authors, other Seekers intent on discovering their own subtle landscape and the mechanics of their sacred path.
As for why i’m doing this again? All things happen in kairos. In the backbeats of our story and the confluence of characters and experiences which happen along the way. Two nights previous Joshua and I had a shared revelation into the aka of production, into the marketing and the true name of the Mythica which in turn related to the soul mission which defined us both. It happened as the structure of the Mythica herself had come to a flushness, where the clarity and anchoredness of the spell manifest as the movement of the wordpress site from one host to another and which included the vastness of excellence gained in the use of the AI to help illustrate that parts of our stories that were not directly photographed or existed in subtle layers of the tree of life. As it did, we had both felt an expansion, a sense of being “lit up” and “inspired” which we regarded as a shared navigate through the realms and which in turn led to my moving the stories from their latest iteration within the Craft-space into the ClickUp, then to be published into the Mythica.
As it is happening, I am aware of the evolution of form, of how the mythos of a thing plays itself out in repetitions across the Akasha. I see the spiral of our stories, their movement along the landscapes of our inner and outer world defined by the divinations and revelations we encounter along the way, all of which happen in the kairos that defines the scenes in our story. I see how the movement of the posts around our stories are also the production flow for the videos, the comics, the articles and content of the Mythica and that all such things are coming into a cohesion-over-time, one happening across the expanse of our individual journeys towards a collective illumination.
Totally agreed. And in the most simple of ways out conversations in here, even if they are echoes simply between you and I at first, will bring in Cassandra, Tara, and other Authors through the grounding of the seeds. It’s good to get into our posts with each other when we’re inspired as it sets the tone for others. 🙂