Akashic Synesthesia – A Divergent Perspective

I have a divergent perspective, something that’s part synesthesia and part awareness of the akasha, that sees things as geometries of wyrd gravity through space. It’s a very savant, very “divergent” way of thinking that’s defined my entire life creating a very particular kind of being, and it makes it difficult for me to relate to a lot of the things that people talk about and where I feel myself truly coming from another world – one defined by laws and systems that exist in places both above and below how things appear in the middle earth of everyday life.

I feel this is part of why I built Into the Mythica – to create a space where I could present my point of view and back it up with a hypersigil of interconnected observations, to create a narrative portal which taught what I gained from my twenty-year quest in service to the Goddess of Story and where I honed and worked with the divergent way my mind and perceptions operated to land (hopefully) in the worlds.

In my experience, communicating this has been a point-of-difficulty, for most of the people (or least 99.99999% of the people) that i’ve met don’t appear to think or see things the way I do, which invariably places me in the zone of the savant mystic connected to the far and near yet somehow lost in the middle, and where the unfolding of my story has been a thing of implicit mysticism, the very footsteps of my passage a movement along threadlines of time and space far removed from the patterns of the Commonwealth where common conversations dwell.

Of course this relates directly to the subtle arts, which are invariably about perception and the ways in which it’s shifting compass dictates the flow of our lives, where my perspective on perspective itself is founded in a deep visceral geometric sense of the world, a kind of akashic synesthesia that feels the various textures and expressions of objects in space in a deeply felt way.

It’s not something I can easily describe. At least, not in a single medium of expression, for the nature of synesthesia in all it’s forms speaks to a dissolution of the “boundaries” between the senses, where colors are tasted and music is seen, where the archetypes of being play out as chords of consciousness in the sound of colors themselves, and i’ve spent my life trying to make sense of it, to find a way to anchor in the sensations and visionings that have defined my system of navigation through existence, and as I continue my writings here in the Mythica i’ll be looking at ways of showing the fae perspective and what I feel it’s larger purposing is, meaning why I feel I was born this way and what it means to the world.

There’s a catharsis in the writing. It’s made of a feeling, of an intricacy of feelings all moving and pulsing in the inner spaces of my self, the core substance of who I currently am responding to the action of expression like water from a dam, where what i’m writing, what i’m feeling and how those things relate across the geometries of space and time all play out a weave of shifting sensations that form letters. Not literal letters, but the idea of language itself, of the gravities of meaning around which languages form. It’s a thing of space, and of forms-within-space that have their own singularities of reference which form a worldview – one that has taken me across the various realms of the Creation on in a flow of evolving mythopoesis.


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