December Week II – The Christ Within

Held by the Red Rocks In Sacred Space I Stand Finding Keys to the Locks With Tribe Upon the Land
Returning to Sedona after the journey to Zen Awakening in Florida, I drop in with soul family. I spend a day in meditation, focusing into creating, recovering from the road.
A year in Sedona has been a deep transformation. Since coming here after the events of the Nestival in Grass Valley and manifesting the Roadship Mercury, the camper van I’ve been building out for the journey across the rainbow bridge, I’ve been grounding in to the vortex of this sacred land.
It’s been a healing of family and ancestral karma. Many events of gatherings of the Galactic. Weaving of my magical arts. Dives into ritual, and doing the consistent daily embodiment practices. And a vision coming clearer, of the coherence for the creation of the New Earth. More back story coming soon…
I’m invited to an event by Shivananda, one of the modern Christs. I knew not if it was the alignment, as Jaime insisted the power of their experience. I took a moment to tune in, then took the leap of faith, the air thick with the Great Mystery.
The Blessings of Shivananda
Arriving to the Puja, a sacred fire ceremony, reverence shimmers across the space. All manner of Sedona community is gathered, along with those traveling from all over the world for this last offering along their tour. Mantras are led, cacao is offered, and he playfully gets us to chant “Om Mama Cacao Namaha.” Which was a humorous blend of cultures. I felt Gaia holding us with a paplable love and safety. Roses are offered to the fire for the Great Mother.

Blessings from the ash to the third eye are offered. I felt the activation, a clearing throughout the soma, as the sun blessed us and we sat deeper in meditation. A talk is given on how Heaven is Here, and the Master is within us seeking to walk beside us so we may become him. I could feel the potency of the moment, matching the realization of this.
I found his question interesting, “Do you wish to continue the cycle? We can step into the New Earth now…” I find this to be the greatest service we can offer. Is to Embody the Way…
We are invited to the all day Darshan, which means: a meeting with God. Shivanada gave kundalini activations to each in the group, channeling divine energy.

My intention for this experience was to fully align with my dharma, the life purpose and service for why I’m here. I meditated on this for many hours… and came to something. I want to help others see the magic I live everyday, and to step into the New Earth.
During a break, we go to the juice bar, and a bee lands on Daniel’s finger and stays for the journey all the way back. We divined that the Bee Totem represents the hive of collective consciousness, of cross-pollination and nourishment.

Jaime was moving through somatic patterns that I could sense in the field around her head, neck and shoulders. I was led to offer support, the very theme we were discussing the shadow of, giving energy healing that helped to resolve it and soothe the system… as her inner glow came out.
The Divine Feminine of the Devi comes together in a circle to support the healing, and at another time the Masculine, until we ended in a complete circle with the women in the center circle and the men around in an outter.

The New Earth is being birthed through the Union of the Masculine and Feminine within us, allowing the clearing of the ancestral and karmic conditioning for unity consciousness to emerge.
I was honored to join with Amira (top left), Daniel (right of me), Jaime (next to him), and Kendra (in the back), all who were residing at the shared house at this time. That we would share and support one another in the journey of awakening.

Daniel was one of the very last to go, having a remembrance of ancient times in Egypt as Shivananda remembered him from across the veil. An ankh over his heart, I witnessed him have a healing of truly being embraced by the Divine.
Through it all, it was an activation and remembrance of the Christ Within. I saw, gazing into the Akasha, that each of us gathered was a modern incarnation of an ancient story. That the times of prophecy are coming to pass, that we would come together in Unity.
In Depth, coming soon, featuring perspectives of the characters. Stay tuned for more…
Post-Activation Reflections
The Path to Freedom
I pulled a divination from the Dreams of Gaia Tarot, which meant to me emotional freedom (VIII of Water) and the phoenix of transformation (VIII of Fire), coming through the fire of the forge of partnership and collaboration (II of Fire). Joy and flow (III of Water), supported by integrity with core values (XXIII Integrity) . Being able to see from a higher perspective and being discerning (Queen of Air). Embodying the king archetype by being devoted to the earth (King of Earth). Holding space with compassion (Queen of Water) and the self-actualization of realizing my truest gifts (IX of Air)

Peter Fae and I spoke in depth over the sharing of our stories, and the more bardic entrypoint of the Mythica. How that leads into the learning of the magic, and is aligned with the heartsong. As I pull into the driveway, I notice a sign that says “you’re free” as a sign of the true movement.
Rising at 2:30am during the thinning of the veil, the hours of potent magic, I meditated and primed my vibration with visualization, gratitude and breathwork.
During the night hours I encounter brother Daniel, showing him the evolving story, and how the practices come along the synchronicities of our timeline. We mirrored a shadow of frustration around a lack of space to process due to the chaos.
In that moment, I remember I have a copy of Existential Kink in my bag, a shadow integration process to get off on what you don’t like, to liberate the energy to receive more of what you do. Giving the book to him, as I had finished it, I saw the flow of grace working through us.

In that moment, my gaze shifts into the Mythica, and I see us as adventurers of consciousness, stepping through a portal. Working with the practices that come to us, to shift our state of being and become a match to a new reality.

Returning inside, I see a sign upon the wall affirming the movement forward. That as we surrender and align with the Universe, we are supported.

Heading to the Fireside cafe, I continue to weave my part in the Great Work, as an image of the Goddess in the Land appears in art. Giving thanks to the sun and earth, to mama Sedona, I drive into the unknown.

My sails are set to abundance. To manifest the resources to continue. I had made smart moves to multiply the small amount of money, yet the shadows were arising. I pull a card, and it is the King of Earth.

A perfect reflection. It is time to ground it in. In these moments, I navigate the sovereignty and the desire of freedom. How I could best be a steward of the gifts I have in service to the collective. Challenge points came up, where I felt stuck, and worked with Existential Kink to transmute, liberating the energy while I drove through the night.
A Law of Assumption transmission arrived in the field, speaking of how the only free-will we have is in how we respond to the situations that arise. If we stay in reactivity, we continue to stay in that state, and draw more to us of the same thing.
I was on the path between the realms of scarcity and abundance, moving through the patterns within to change the external circumstances. Navigating the letting go and the calling in, the Solve et Coagula. I questioned how much clearing is necessary, and how much affirming… Such is the deep alchemy of the Yin and Yang, I start to recognize as a current theme throughout my interactions.

Money comes to me, and I’m gradually able to take care of all that needs to be taken care of. Driving hours through the night to deliver groceries as a side gig, it mirrored the dream I had the night before, where I had driven an hour and half to make $80, and the same happened in waking life … I wondered, is it worth it at all, to trade our time for money in the dream. Yet, I’ve divined to stay grounded and follow the opportunities presented, to make the transition where I am paid full time for my passionate purpose.
What is the way of grace, to the fulfillment of my dharma? I ask myself.
I breathe into trust. I’ve seen the synchronicities, and know the way of the story, the song that sits within my heart. That as we shift into our value, and embrace the path of transformation, that abundance comes as a reflection of our vibrational state. In the times to come, I go even deeper into wealth consciousness and abundance practices, documenting the journey in real time to see what comes through.