“The Golden Thread”

Peter and I return to the Wynden Keep, where the academy of magick clarifies within the sacred space, influenced by the light of the Wyndens and that of the mentions of Waldorf School.

Satyshia pulls out a golden thread in the moments that Peter and I are speaking of the witnessing of our tales as the timeline of our journey across the akasha. In the deep territories of consciousness, such is an act of divine providence, as I gaze beneath the surface and see it in the Mythica.

It is the time of blossom and end of summer at the Wynden Keep. The grapes bear fruit, the cherries fall from the trees.

Noah returns with Peter’s harp, having rendered a repair through the wielding of his excellent earth magicks. In the space, I sense them as ancient brothers and bards, across the modern paths of fellowship; a sacred pact, to bring his instrument back to bare, upon the long roads across the rainbow.

With him, I sense the totem of the dragon; of the scent of the earth and the ways of the ancient.

“As we band together, we have +3 strength and courage.” Noah.

Peter jokingly “the spell of fellowship creates indestructibility,”

Royal Roots

Within the hall of the holt, Peter channels a powerful message.

“You are learning the ways of kingship. Of the right wielding of power. I am here to help you with this.”

“The king and the land are one. Excalibur, the sword in the stone, represents the power of discernment that is grounded in the gravity of the earth. I have Excalibur, it arrived on my path.

North was my Merlin, and I received the vision of the Grail.”

I feel the gravity of the moment reverberate beneath the Realm. I know it’s True.

We serve the Land. Everything has been preparing me for my destiny.

“You didn’t even know fully before you came here, the Faerie family and blessings coming your way.”

Looking down at the table I see the reading again that fell out of the Sacred Symbols book.

I feel its relevance. The Keep has been a manifestation of the blessings of good family and heart space, inside of the fertile creation of the story while the Mythica comes forward.

Revelation in the Wyndenwood

Camped within the forest, I continue to outline my story, documenting the timeline.

It is a sacred art, a magick of telling, casting myself in the context of the Mythica.

As I continue to engage forgiveness and gratitude, I come to deeper alignment, feeling the channels of energy and inspiration open within the breath of the Wyndenwood.

Revelations on Avalonian Kingship comes to me, which I write of in my journal.

_“There is a song that the land wishes to sing, the gift of which it yearns to bear fruit. To be a good king is to listen for this song, and to righteously hold space for the true expression to come out.

It is about what wants to come through, more than imposing ones limited concept of will to force an agenda into place. Rather, Avalonian Kingship consists of aligning with the harmonics of the land, by being aligned with ones true self, the tone of their soul. Command follows the precedent of recognizing that we are all extensions of the land, that there is no separation.

The agendas of the kingdom follow the song of the land’s soul, that which wishes to come forward in service to the commonwealth, the good of all.”_

The Roundtable

Peter and I gather for a meeting at the roundtable near the garden of the Wynden Keep. There, the tomb of Sacred Commerce appears once again, carrying the tones of emergent wealth and right stewardship of abundance.

We speak of Roundtable Revenue, the sacred model of wealth distribution that we are stewarding in the creation of Into the Mythica. In which, each being is honored in their intrinsic value of both contribution, and in appearing in the ongoing episodes of the Quest. We reaffirm our intention to serve the Realm and spread financial renumeration to the People as we approach the Commonwealth.

The turn of fall is felt as the mists begin to envelop the Keep.

Shadows of fellowship arise within the field. A gathering of the square table… it is a time of muddy clarity, where some members of the faerie family speaks out of hearsay, meaning, through the perpetuation of unclear gossip, they bring to question Peter’s honor. I am called as a witness to this shallow court, of which I name no names for posterities sake.

The song on the radio, “down to the wire, I walk through the fire, I move through it like you know I do when the world keeps testing me, testing me.”

It’s challenging times… yet, Love has come for me.

Journey to the Deadwood Forest

The maidens invite us on a journey to the waterfalls.

“We have to have compassion. Mother, please forgive us, for we know not what we do.” Peter replies to the disappoint of the complete lack of virtue displayed by the community.

I approach the waters, invoking forgiveness, deeply frustrated by the repetitive patterns of distortion within the field that are my duty to clear my portion within through the redemptive arts of magick. Yet, the quality of the water soothes me, and I am able to soften within, to gradually shift the very substance of tension and agitation.

Gabrielle joins me, “this May sound silly, but the leaves are telling me to continue on.”

“Not at all, i was feeling that while looking that direction, this is communication with the Deva.”

I deeply appreciate her companionship and innocence, the presence of love she holds reminding me of that aspect of my own self.


Encountering Peter again further down the trail by the start of the falls, which appear in a series, he shows me his yoga of drawing upon the energies of nature into natural movement. I join him.

It helps. The moss, stone and waters, their sanctified textures, as I absorb the cooling and healing energy of the deva. I shift further, I soften and open more.

Gabrielle and I walk our own trail, and find ourselves at small stream that splits between the stone. The geography holds a special imprint here for me, a sacred message…

After climbing a tree free and Fae like, she wildly climbs down and skips over to join me, as we stand in the middle of the creek further down from where the divide aligns of the stream between the stone. Here, we embrace, a sweetness and softness…

It’s about my own return to innocence. And the redemption of the waters within.

“Did you know this is called the Phoenix tree? The huckleberry grows out of the dead, rising from the ashes.” Gabrielle says as we are walking the trail out of the forest.

It is a surreal moment, whereby I recognize the archetypical suchness of our encounter in the Deadwood. That in the authenticity of her character, Gabrielle calls forth the tones of fae, of the language of the sacred Land.

Characters Appearing

Gabrielle Gibney Satysha Wynden

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