“Tribal Vision”


2015-9-1 – “Tribal Vision”

Tribal Vision

2015 – The Calling

September 2015

Returning to Taos, I visited the Hanuman Temple, a sacred place of devotion I had first encountered a year prior during my first trip to the northern territories of New Mexico. I remember having my hiking backpack on, walking up seeking refuge amidst the yogis and sadhus, a pilgrim on the path to greater wisdom.

There, I see a poster for a gathering called Tribal Vision. A deep resonance and desire to go comes over me, as it’s so in alignment with the guiding vision.

Guidance comes to trust, and invoke that it’s already happening, because I didn’t have money for a ticket. I end up getting invited, when a crew shows up in the Mary Gardens, a sacred sanctuary in the back.

I was granted sanctuary at the time in a gypsy tiny house that was a school bus converted into a solar powered and wood floored dwelling. It was on the outskirts of Taos, about 10 miles outside of town.

Riding in under the stars, I split ways with the traveling party of gypsies and head into the darkness, with nothing but trust and the shirt on my back.

Discovering the Festival

I stride up to the fire, and lock eyes with a woman there, who was intensely gazing at me. Turns out we had met in a time of expansion at the Snow Mansion, and her name is Jenna. We shared in a mirroring on either of our processing of the distortions of the masculine and feminine, which I witness from the akasha as one of the themes of the journey of healing on the way to wholeness.

Walking out into the gathering, I encounter a shamanic healer who offers me a clearing on my power center. After, in the briskness of the night, in the surreal aftertones of mutual empathy, the tone of the prophet passes through him, “Go to Crestone. Your voice is meant to change the world.” Offered a blanket to sleep under, I awake that morning to discover that I was within the New Earth Vision Portal.

The Ascension Chamber

Sleeping in the temple tent that night, I awake to glance over at a Sri Yantra tapestry hung in the center of the temple space. Around the border are different altars that act as portals to different aspects of the new paradigm, themes like health or metaphysics. I glance over and see the book The Flower of Life by Drunvalo Malchezedek which I had last seen in Sedona, and go over to open it to a section about activating one’s merkaba, their light body vehicle.

I go out on a walk across the festival and shift realms to find myself down in a green oasis of healers giving massage and reiki, and go through to other side where there is a clearing, drawn by the sight of an odd looking metal tower about 20 ft tall. Walking past a pyramid frame about 5 feet tall with people meditating by it, I find myself at the booth where I meet a priest by the name of Twisted Sage, who travels with what he called the Ascension Chamber (or Tower). He shares with me that it is meant to activate one’s merkaba, and invites me to take a journey. In the total flow of the magic of the synchronicities, I agree, and he hands me a contract to sign, one between me and the universe, to reclaim my sovereignty and clear any and all energetic contracts that no longer serve me. On the back is the Vitruvian man with the outline of a 6 pointed star, representing an aspect of the merkaba activation, where these two geometries spin in either direction.

Getting into the chamber, he puts headphones on me with a guided meditation, and begins to slowly lower the seed of life geometry above my head. I’m enveloped in the electro-magnetics and something in my energy unlocks. Like a starburst at the very center of my third eye, golden threads flash out illuminating the sacred geometrical structure. This happens three times, as they fade from the center and reach the periphery of my vision. Each time I feel my consciousness expand, the field of my awareness encompassing a larger area around me each time, until I am way above my body looking down at the gathering. In that moment, I knew that I was witness to this gathering as a sign of the times, the shift in consciousness known as the Awakening. The meditation ends. Greeting me at the door, he looks into my eyes with deep knowing and respect, and then proceeds to very slowly lift his vision up towards the sky. “Wow! You are like 60 ft tall right now.” he says matter of factly.

As I walked into the land, I made a prayer, to reconnect with my roots, to return to the land, and get in touch with the ancestors, with the sacred ways of the ancient arts, to discover ceremony and its place in my life.

Divining the Realm

Gazing into the compass of the Mythica, a fire-lit tribe swirls into view underneath a blanket of stars, the realms of the Star Tribe upon the sacred earth. A place where gypsies and yogis meet, a bridge between the commonwealth and the emergent paradigm, where those new to the path can find their way, and elders hold torches for a collective prayer of Unity.

There is a tribal element to the realm, where tipis and sweatlodges can be seen in the distance, firetenders and sun dancers dirty from barefeet upon the earth. Also a quality of devotion, where sevacs and sadhus from the hanuman temple gather to chant kirtan. Homesteaders and offgridders are drawn, along with some common folk. Deeper still, it’s painted textures of the Galactic, where holographic sacred geometries splay across the stage as performers from across the realms gather to share the invocation of their sacred art.

Following the Flow

Later that night I found Jenna at the ecstatic dance with tribal galactic music, and shared with her my guidance of heading to Crestone, seeking the union of spiritual and sustainable living, and she had mentioned a woman named Lisa who lived there, that she had met at a Sun Dance before heading to the festival. She mentioned that she was planning on heading up north through Colorado with her cousin soon. At the end of the festival we got separated, so I went on a journey to find her, with the intuition that she may have gone to the Hanuman Temple.

Hiking for 10 miles from the valley into Taos, I end up encountering a couple who was at the festival, parked in their RV along the side of road. They had just come from the temple, and I think to ask if they had seen Jenna, they say yes. It starts to get dark, so they offer me a tarp and sleeping back to sleep in, which I curl up into like a burrito on the side of the road near the forest. The morning comes and i walk the rest of the way, to then encounter her there.

She invites me to join them on a journey up north to connect me with Lisa Bodey in Crestone.

I started to feel myself returning, as my senses started to come alive. A process I called the Rewilding at the time. Colors became more pronounced, the sensual aliveness of the landscape activating a desire within me to worship and be in love with the Creation. To give my devotion to the arts in service to the sacred land, and share that remembrance with the world.

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