Akashic Library – Realms and Realities

“The concept of realms is fundamental to the Mythica” said Peter. “It’s the idea that our state of being is also a location, a place within a topography of vibrational landscapes that exists both within and without. It’s the basis for the maps of our myth, showing how the axis mundi of the self relates to the territories of the manifest worlds.”

“Everything is made of the Tree of Life” said Peter. “For she is Life herself. What we encounter as the mortal plane is wrought from the substance of the tree, a sculpture of chromatic sounds within the melody of the universe.”

“Wait. Explain that again.”

“Absolutely. This is the very core of the Mythica, so it’s crucially important that this lands for you and the Readers of this story.” he said, winking for a moment to no one in particular.

“Okay. Let’s start with synchronicity, remembering that synchronicity is the neutral confluence events.”


“Meaning that it isn’t afflicted by the various impressions which make up human consciousness from Age to Age. Synchronicity isn’t biased, it doesn’t have belief systems, it isn’t about one concept of the Divine or another. It simply is.”

“That’s interesting. In my look at the marketing of this Age they talk a lot about increasing the synchronicities in one’s life.”

Peter shrugged. “That’s marketing. It’s like telling people in the mortal plane that they are limitless. It’s not actually accurate, but it gives hope and that’s what matters. It inspires the people.”

“I’m not sure what you mean. Are you saying they aren’t encountering synchronicities from doing the practices?”

“No. I’m saying they are already encountering synchronicities and that changing one’s internal state changes the types of synchronicities one encounters, not the actual synchronicities themselves.”

“This was the journey to the center of the subtle earth made real! The understanding of how our many realities manifested on the strings of synchronicity. We were always walking the rainbow bridge, ALWAYS moving through the chroma of sounds which made up the manifest world. Such was the nature of the Path and the Land revealed, the connection between the inner and the outer worlds that defined the multiverse herself!”

“Here I saw the colors of sound which had moved through my awareness since I was a childe grounded into the material plane as the material plane herself! What existed in the chromatic underpainting of my self and what I encountered in the world without were the same! I came to see that the various alchemies of the mortal plane to transform one’s consciousness were themselves an act of vibrational artistry, changing the karmic impressions which manifested as our selves and their stories across the cycles of the akasha.”

“Because of karmic resonance we arrive in moments of synchronicity with other beings who share that particular set of impressions, that texture within the canvas of our stories. For me this played out as the various champions of Asgard and Avalon in this Age, as well as the emergent trends of Galactic consciousness and it’s neo-Egyptian themes.”

“Does that happen for everyone?”

“No. Everyone lives in their own set of karmic impressions. In their own interpretation of the events of their life. Who and what they encounter is relative to them.”

“Right, because what you’re saying suggests that everyone’s synchronicities will be different, based on the karmic impressions which make up their sense of identity.”

“Yes. Such the substance of the World Tree and myriad of individual and collective worlds which exist within the Creation as I have come to see it.”

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