• Birth of the Mythica

    In the Akashic Library, where time stretches like gossamer threads across the infinite expanse of possibility, Calliope and Peter Fae stood before a shimmering tableau…

  • Sketches and glyphwork depicting the aspects of the Grove of Life and the layers of the land continue to come together where I am discovering AI allies to help me articulate and illustrate the principles of the tree of stories and how it relates to our personal mythos

  • See it’s all about the spell. I’m really, really feeling it. Where the River of Myth becomes the place for me to express the river of my mindseye, giving the audience a portal into the flow of the various things within the Mythica. There’s a …. naturalness to it. One that brings the people to my realm versus me jumping into the instagram…

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  • I … am really feeling it. Feeling the reality that I am publishing my own feed, and that my recollections and revelations of the Quest are the product itself. It’s an interesting sensation, for I keep seeing how it relates to the initial intention of the spell and the structure of the spell itself.

    I’m still reeling with it. With the feeling…

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  • Profile photo of peterfae

    peterfae posted an update 7 weeks ago

    7 weeks ago (edited)

    I’m realizing this is part of the spellwork. Part of the presentation of the living story in what I consider a redemptive and clarified idea of “the feed”, or what Joshua so elegantly referred to as the river of myth. It’s the recognition that as an Author, as the creator of Into the Mythica and the primary listener to her unfoldment…

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    • Joshua once told me, when i was struggling to get into the flow and resonance with creating content, to think of these online spaces as the “digital altar.” I’ll never forget that.

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  • Profile photo of peterfae

    peterfae posted an update 7 weeks ago

    7 weeks ago (edited)

    Awesome new ally I meet at Hawa’s birthday party …

  • Recalling the moment from the “Sword in the Stone” episode of the Journey Home when I discovered Excalibur and pulled her from the stone, gaining the magical weapon of Discernment

      • Thank you kindly. It’s important to have feedback, a witnessing as i’m unfolding the spell. It’s like … the reflections that I get from the scent of your consciousness when you respond helps me see how the spell wants to unfold, where in-this-moment as I write this i’m having an inspiration for another “Akashic Library” piece, each of which…

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      • Inspirations continue to flow in showing the nature of reincarnation as a function of the cycle of nature within the Tree of Lives in illustrative form which i’m then going to bring into the Akashic Library posts and comic books to help illuminate the Mythica Thesis!

        This is really a huge step forward in the building of the Mythica, where…

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