Lesson 11, Topic 1
In Progress

Threads of Life

peterfae June 6, 2023
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Everything in life is a pattern.  A repetition in the cycles of Nature.  What we experience as our mortal lives is a repetition of those patterns in a vastly intricate and complex way that creates the experience of conscious awareness of ourselves.  Yet while the patterns which make up the many varietals of the human condition are many, they are more simple and more constant than are often perceived. Like all aspects of the journey of awareness this relates to how aware we are of the patterns of life, which is to say, how the pattern of life appear to us through the aspect of that pattern that makes up our karmic perspective. Examples of patterns – weave, threadwork, lightning bolts crackling out over time, the silouette of a human being, the veins and arteries of the earth, the doshas, the elemental nature of things, everything is a constant pattern.  What changes here is the individual incarnate’s ability to perceive those patterns, reminding again that the factor which is changing is perception itself, perception of the larger form through the smaller.

We are a part of the land. What we experience in our lives are part of that landscape, made of the threads of life itself.

To ground this into your life, think of a weave of multicolored strings, each of them representing the electromagnetic pattern which defines your life. In this context, YOU are made of the strings, made of a weave of karmic threads which move across the land.

To truly understand this, we must look at the idea of monocarnate & transcarnate perspectives on life, to see the patterns of our life as they occur beyond our singular body and it’s story into the much larger dimensions of Life herself.

Here we must learn to see how the threads of our Fate & Fortune are but a small part of a larger weave, the myth of our Character and it’s timeline part of a much larger tapestry of interrelated events.

How this plays out in your Path & Land

How the threads of the world create your path and it’s landscape Our lives are cyclical patterns.  Patterns of thought, patterns of behavior, of emotional reaction and response that occur over and over again across lifetimes.  In the journey of conscious evolution, we are actively working to see those patterns and change them, a process which requires mindfulness.  The reasons for this are simple, yet the implications of that simplicity are vast, relating to the most core assumptions of the human condition and our response to them, which is to say the nature of karmic bondage and our relationship with liberation itself.

As an individual human being in your current incarnate form, what we experience as our current sense of personality and it’s medley of patterns is a composite of these threads of elements, they are the karmic foundations for our perception and reception of the Creation.

Seen from this perspective, every aspect of the human condition is a threadwork of patterns which repeat over and over again within the cycles of nature.  Yet while this is the absolute causality of our experience in the mortal plane, where things become fascinating is the point where we exert conscious influence over the threads, when we become the weaver of our life.

There are many ways of looking at the threads of the weave, all of which are part of the many layers of the earth’s atmosphere and relate fundamentally to our progression through life and lives, influencing and defining both the monocarnate and transcarante pattern of our existence.

Seen from such a context, every identity that we have in the mortal plane, every ego that we inhabit our our journey of return to the Source of all things is architecturally made of these threads of nature, made of intricate patterns of action and consequence across a theatre of lives.

What we experience as our individual timeline is itself made from many threads of cause and effect from many timelines, all of which are part of the much larger karmic substance of the planet herself.  As we make the journey from the illusion of separation to the recognition of our unity and inclusion as part of the planet, it is these threads which inform us to the interconnection, forming the lattice of synchronicities beneath our many lives and legends. The basic idea here is one of layers, both of the structure of things and our perception of them through the lens of our current awareness.  Here we’re going to look at the layers of the earth in a new way, showing how the subtle threads of that planetary body form the basis of our lives.

Like all the aspects of our perception of ourselve and the reality we live within, our ability to see the subtle layers of the planet is defined by the Age of the Akasha in which we exist, meaning we can only see up to the threshold of our current horizon, a thing defined by the much larger system in which we exist.

Yet in our model, we are looking at the layers of the land from a more subtle level of sensory acuity, seeing how the interwoven biomes of the planet form the lattice of cause and effect that underlie our many incarnate lives.  Here, we are coming to see the cycles of life on a deeper level, moving our perspective from the myopic viewpoint of a single incarnation and it’s illusion of separation into the inclusive understanding of our our place and purpose as part of the planet herself.

The idea is this – When we look at our body in the Terrasphere, from the layer of perceiving our biology, we have various layers of threadwork in the form of our nervous system, of the weave of muscles and fascia and the many microscopic filaments that form the organs and systems of our form.

If we were to shift our awareness to the electromagnetic and view our body as a collection of rainbow energies through our chakraswe would be looking at the same thing, merely seeing it as another level of itself. Yet while these are both valid ways of looking at the architecture of life within our form, there is another way to see things – one that incorporates these aspects into an understanding of the threads of life, the way in which those patterns in the biology and the chromology of our existence create the circumstances of our story. Here we gain a physical sense of the energetic, a way of seeing the weave of our chakras and the conditions they create in a grounded, structural way that connects us to the much larger weave of life that is our planet.

Looking at the process with simplicity, we are simply deepening the subtlety of how we are perceiving the layers of form that exist within us, bringing together our perceptions of the relationship between our soul and the soma, between the patterns woven into the karmic substance of our self and their expression as our story.

As awareness gains the ability to see the threads of one’s life and story as part of the gross and subtle architecture of their form itself we anchor the idea that our life, that our very point of view itself and all the conditions of our manifest world are structural, part of the subtle architecture of our form itself.

Seen from such a vantage, the conceptual expansion from the karmic fibers within our body to the expression of those fibers in the field that surrounds us becomes anchored, and we can start to fill in the gap between the illusion of separation and the reality of our unified field.