peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
time, space, and dimensionTime, Space, Dimension – The fundamentals which give form to our stories.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
points of viewThe Coordinates of Consciousness Every reality exists somewhere. At a certain point in space and time. Locus points are the specific coordinates in spacetime in…
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
monocarnate and transcarnateMonocarnate and Transcarnate – The distinction between looking at one’s story in a singular life or across multiple lives.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
bondage and liberationBondage and Liberation – The fundamental basis for the journey of enlightenment and freedom from the cycles of the mortal plane.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
being and becomingBeing and Becoming – The process of being something in the process of becoming something else.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
formlessness and formAll stories are defined in context, and that context is that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having…
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
prime elementsPrime Elements – The fundamental elements of the Creation, including Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Space (Ether)
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
AkaAka – The architecture of archetypes. The smallest units of meaning which exist in the context of our stories.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
Source of StoriesThe original Source of all things, also known as the Logos principle of myth. Tuning into source consciousness is an act of divination alchemy to increase discernment and receive guidance onto one’s path.
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