Lesson 9, Topic 6
In Progress

Akasphere – The Sand, the Stars & the Sea

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In the framework of moving from the crystallized aspects of form towards the formlessness of the Divine, the very foundations of form begin to dissolve.  Here, the deep roots of our lineages and their accumulated karmas distilled even further, the senses of cultural and collective identity dissolving into the primal archetypes of consciousness.

It is in this place that we encounter the deserts which hold the sands of time and the ether sea of forms ripple at the very edge of our stories.

In the Akasphere the weave of karmic patterns which inform the synchronicities of our lives can be seen.  It is a place of distillation, where the primary components of our stories dissolve past their many mythologies into the geometric valence and ideal which give rise to those things in the higher layers of the tree.

As the emblem of the akasphere’s closeness to the very elements of the Creation and the Source point of the Divine the shape of the landscape of our impressions changes, becoming less and less rigid and more liquid on it’s journey to liberation from the mythos of form itself.

Here, at this layer of experience, what we have held onto in our Mythos of identity dissolves even further, and our perspective of the self and selves takes on a more collective stance.  It is a place for the archetypes-of-archetypes, where the threadworks of aka which form the constellations of our lives and their gravities are seen.

The idea here is that we are moving beyond the inquiry into form as it occurs in the material plane, moving beyond the architecture of the impressions which make up our cultural patterns, and into the perception of those things as constellations in the Akasha.  It is here the soil meets the stars, here where the idea of earth and sky meet.

The important thing to remember here is that what we call the Akasha and what we call the Tree of the World are different sides of the same thing, different ways of looking at the substance of reality.  In this sense, who we consider ourself to be, the structure of our axis mundi and individual tree of life and the patterns in the celestial aspect of life are all the same thing seen from different points of view.

At the level of the akasphere, what we consider our lives and rigidities of self-identity (ego) are more clearly seen as distilled geometries, sacred arrangements of primal elements which form the substance of our stories. These are the collective patterns of the world seen in a transcarnate way, gravities of form’s fundamentals in the sands of time.

The Ether Sea

Sand is fluid, yet not as fluid as water, and as the movement of consciousness through form continues to dissolve back to the formlessness of it’s origin, so does the landscape of our perception and reception of the world. Here the sands of time give way to yet another dimension of formlessness, the grains and crystals which make up such sculptures becoming the sea of ethers at the very edge of form itself.