points of view

The Coordinates of Consciousness

Every reality exists somewhere.  At a certain point in space and time.

Locus points are the specific coordinates in spacetime in which realms exist.  They are the map markers of the multiverse of possibilities that can exist within the akasha.  As we travel along the timeline of our story, we walk the rainbow road between locus points, between entirely different realities.

From this perspective, the mass of having consciousness in the form of a self, also known as having having a physical form made of the prime elements, has gravity.  And that gravity exerts an effect on the akasha that surrounds it, essentially bending the formlessness into a temporary configuration of the five prime elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Akasha).  Seen in this way, the light of awareness pours through the self, whose gravity causes it to live in the exactitude of it’s own current substance.  Such is the basis for the idea that we “live in the hologram of our own consciousness”, seen at depth.

This assemblage of the primal elements is both what forms the definition of our current self *and* the circumstances of it’s manifest reality, defined as ‘conditions’ around the locus point, or gravity point, of our current state of being.  This is the basis for understanding the nature of all potential realities.  We literally live within the reflection of our own substance of consciousness.This configuration of form is a locus point, which exists within a set of conditions generated by the mass of itself.  Locus points are the coordinates of the multiverse, which, seen from a unified field perspective, is the UNI-verse experienced at a multitude of positions.  They are the organizational point of one’s current reality.

Understanding the Movement between Realities

All realities are coordinates within the Akasha, manifest through the World Tree of the material plane. Understanding this is key, for it is the clay from which the many realms we may travel to in the Mythica are made.  When considering the Akasha as the space in which things happen, different realities are understood to exist at specific coordinates within that space, known as locus points (as in, “locus points in the Akasha”).This is analogous to moving through a wormhole of positions, in which each potential node is connected to an endless series of timelines covering through the various conditions of space, time and depth of being.  If we use the animation above as an example, the various points of light would be the locus points, whereas the actual movement between those points would be the rainbow bridge, a movement between one’s potential realities within the Akasha/World Tree.

Yet while ALL potential realities exist within the spacetime of the Akasha, the current physical reality, the reflection of that ‘Heaven’ in the material plane of Earth, is known as the World Tree. This is the understanding that we may travel to many imaginative and etheric realms, all of which are locus points within the Akasha, yet the version of those realms we travel to in the physical plane, in the ‘world’ is the World Tree.This relates directly to the concept of the rainbow bridge, which in the context of the Mythica is action of traveling between locus points within the World Tree of the Akasha.