skein of stories
Mythipedia Entry – Skein of Stories
The weave of timelines that forms the tapestry of the Great Story. The skein of stories is the net of synchronicity seen as the landscape of narrative. It is the seeing of the weave of patterns that defines our stories and their interactions from a distance, moving beyond the look at one’s individual thread into the larger patterns in the weave.
As the weave of timelines which makes up the canvas of our collective story, the skein of stories is intrinsically tied to Fate and Fortune.
As we look through the halls of the Great Story we come to see that the threadworks of synchronicity connect us all in a skein, a web of interwoven connections that gives rise to our worlds.
Yet there is no difference between the skein of stories and the World Tree, no separation between the threads and constellations of light which define our many adventures and our experience of being human.
Seen on another level of density, the threads of stories manifest as the roots and branches of the World Tree, interconnecting all of our selves and their adventures across the surface and subtle layers of the planet.
Altogether, the skein of stories can be seen as a web of interconnected threads both made of and surrounding the substance of the World Tree